It is often easy to see why gag laws like SHIELD are put in place by government
. The public sector is by far the world's largest purchaser of goods and services, with figures around 50% of national expenditur
e the norm. With procuremen
t and requisite funds, it's near impossible not to have accompanyi
ng corruption
Regardless of how Wikileaks and related organizati
ons obtain their informatio
n, and yes, while it's vitally important for such informatio
n to be handled with caution, there is still need for the citizenry to know what their government is up to. If for no reason, merely because they are the administra
tion's employers.
There is a case for Wikileaks endangerin
g national security, but the media has visibly failed to take government
s to task, being lapdogs rather than watchdogs. Wikileaks to me has merely filled that informatio
n gap and there is no reason why their reports should be gagged. If a government operates transparen
tly, what is the fear?
People perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Wikileaks and the government are merely actors on a stage playing different roles. No government is beyond being watched. Accountabi
lity is what "leaking" informatio
n aims to do. The law exists to deal with accompanyi
ng issues such as malice, libel or slander.
This act is as retrogress
ive as the Official Secrets Act bequeathed to many former British colonies today.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost