The majority of the global burden of maternal deaths occurs in the developing world. In fact, 66% occur in just 11 countries.
..The US was ranked in 41st place (but now 50th as per the latest UN data)...Th
e US spends more on health care per capita than any other country in the world and yet ranks 50th in assuring women and children safer outcomes..
.African American women are at four times greater risk from dying in childbirth
...Two to three women die of pregnancy-
related complicati
ons everyday in the US and roughly half of these deaths are preventabl
e. What's more shocking is that complicati
ons during pregnancy are rising at an alarming rate. Over 34,000 women nearly die in childbirth each year in the US (Huffingto
n Post,
It is perhaps instructiv
e to dig into the Civil Rights era and ask hard questions such as what nationhood can exist for a select group of citizens, while others are treated like non-living things. What society can progress without the very instrument
s of its birth, the institutio
n of womanhood? Those are the most difficult questions right now, right up there with between $27.9-29.9 m expended everytime an F5 fighter jet crashes.
Wherein lie the nation’s priorities in developmen
t? This makes for very shameful reading, not just for the US (I’m not judging anyone here), but for every institutio
n that prides in calling itself (or at least pretending
) to be a government
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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